If you are hosting this years Thanksgiving party with friends and family, it is always sensible to plan ahead so that stress doesn’t get in the way of having a good time. You want to create an atmosphere of ease and comfort so that your guests feel welcome. Cooking and entertaining can almost frazzle the best of us if preparations are last minute.
Organization is the key to any successful party. Getting yourself organized starts with creating lists from your guests to your decorations. Here, I’ve provided you with guidelines to help pull your thoughts together to ensure a good outcome.
• List your guests. This will give you a head count and provide you with how many children that will be attending as well.
• Make a menu, and include all “snacks” (such as chips and dip, etc)
• Make a grocery list (go over recipes in your menu for ingredients needed)
• Decide on how you want to decorate, and make a list of things you will need.
Other rooms in your home can help create an atmosphere of warmth by adding small touches. A small flower arrangement, candles or figurines are always aesthetic. Holiday hand towels in the bathrooms with scented candles of pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon are always nice touches. If you have children in the home, display holiday crafts that they have created. Feeling that they have contributed to the festivities is gratifying in being included as part of the holiday.
As a result of all your hard planning, enjoy yourself above all things! Take the holiday to heart, and be thankful for family and friends. Here’s wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!